[[-1,'\/**'],[-1,' * Multiline comment just in case: used to be a bug'],[-1,' *\/'],[-1,' \/\/ or any comment, for that matter'],[2,'(function () {'],[-1,''],[2,' \'use strict\';'],[-1,''],[2,' window.Class = function (param) {'],[3,' var a = 1;'],[3,' var b = a + 122;'],[3,' var c = {'],[-1,' a: a,'],[-1,' b: b,'],[-1,' g: undefined,'],[-1,' j: null'],[-1,' };'],[-1,''],[3,' var z = (function (param) {'],[3,' var y = a + b;'],[3,' delete b[\'z\'];'],[3,' return param ? y : 0;'],[-1,' })(param);'],[-1,''],[3,' eval(\"var evaled = 100;\");'],[-1,''],[6,' for(i=2;i<4;i++){i++;}'],[-1,''],[3,' function thisNeverGetsCalled() {'],[0,' this.shouldNeverBeSet = \'qwe \\\'\';'],[-1,' };'],[-1,''],[3,' (function (param) {'],[3,' a++;'],[-1,''],[3,' if (param) {'],[2,' b--;'],[-1,' }'],[-1,' })(param);'],[-1,''],[3,' a++;'],[3,' c.a++;'],[3,' b[\"b\"]++;'],[-1,''],[3,' var uselessObject = {'],[-1,' neverGetsCalledEither: function () {'],[0,' this.b = \"q \\\" we\";'],[-1,' },'],[-1,''],[-1,' butThisOneDoes: function () {'],[2,' a++;'],[-1,' },'],[-1,''],[2,' andThisOneButItsUgly: function () {a++;},'],[-1,''],[-1,' andThisOneButItsEmpty: function () {}'],[-1,' };'],[-1,''],[3,' var e = function () {'],[0,' this.e = \"aaaaa\";'],[-1,' };'],[-1,''],[3,' if (param) {'],[2,' this.test();'],[-1,' }'],[-1,''],[3,' var m1 = {},'],[-1,' m2 = null,'],[-1,' m3 = \'asd\','],[-1,' m4 = \'qwe\';'],[-1,''],[3,' if (param)'],[2,' a++;'],[-1,' else'],[1,' b++'],[-1,''],[3,' if (!param)'],[1,' b++;'],[-1,' else'],[2,' a++'],[-1,''],[3,' while (true === false)'],[0,' b++'],[-1,''],[3,' var s = 1;'],[-1,''],[3,' while (++s < 10)'],[12,' s++'],[-1,''],[3,' for (var j = 0; j < 20; j++)'],[60,' s += 2;'],[-1,''],[9,' for (var k = 0; k < 2; k++) s+=1'],[-1,''],[3,' do'],[18,' s += 3;'],[-1,' while (s < 70)'],[-1,''],[3,' var v = void 0;'],[3,' var vv = void 0xff;'],[3,' var vvv = void(0);'],[-1,''],[3,' this.data = {'],[-1,' getsCalledOnTheSecondRun: function () {'],[2,' var a = \'lll\';'],[2,' a += 1;'],[-1,''],[2,' if (param === true) {'],[0,' a += 2;'],[2,' } else if (typeof param === \'boolean\') {'],[1,' a += 10;'],[1,' } else if (param !== undefined) {'],[1,' b += 7;'],[-1,' } else {'],[0,' a = \'kkk\';'],[-1,' }'],[-1,''],[2,' if (param) {'],[1,' b++;'],[-1,' } else {'],[1,' a++;'],[-1,' }'],[-1,' },'],[-1,''],[-1,' a: 123'],[-1,' }'],[-1,''],[3,' if (false) {'],[-1,' \/\/ testing consecutive ranges of missed lines'],[0,' a++;'],[0,' b++;'],[0,' z++;'],[-1,''],[0,' a++;'],[0,' b++;'],[-1,''],[0,' var h = \'qwe\';'],[-1,' }'],[-1,''],[3,' for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++) {'],[15,' b++;'],[-1,''],[15,' switch (i) {'],[-1,' case 1:'],[3,' break;'],[-1,' case 2:'],[3,' a++;'],[3,' b++;'],[3,' break;'],[-1,' case 3:'],[-1,' case 4:'],[-1,' case 5:'],[6,' b++;'],[-1,' default:'],[9,' b++;'],[-1,' }'],[-1,''],[15,' if (i === 4) {'],[3,' break;'],[-1,' }'],[-1,' }'],[-1,''],[3,' do {'],[584,' a++;'],[-1,' } while (a < 200);'],[-1,''],[3,' while (true) {'],[3,' b++;'],[3,' break;'],[-1,' }'],[-1,''],[3,' try {'],[3,' a++;'],[3,' throw new Error(\'asd\');'],[-1,' } catch (e) {'],[3,' b++;'],[-1,' }'],[-1,''],[3,' if (param) {'],[2,' uselessObject.butThisOneDoes();'],[2,' uselessObject.andThisOneButItsUgly();'],[2,' uselessObject.andThisOneButItsEmpty();'],[-1,' }'],[-1,''],[3,' var h = 0;'],[-1,''],[3,' if (a)'],[-1,' if (z)'],[2,' for (h = 0; h < 10; h++) {'],[20,' a++;'],[-1,' }'],[-1,' else'],[1,' for (h = 0; h < 10; h++) {'],[7,' if (h == 5) break'],[-1,' }'],[-1,' else'],[0,' if (z)'],[0,' while (h++ < 10);'],[-1,' else'],[0,' for (h = 0; h < 10; h++);'],[-1,''],[9,' if (param) {a++;if (!param)if (true)if(true){a++;b++;}else a++;else{b++;z++}a+=2;}'],[-1,' }'],[-1,''],[-1,' \/\/ issue #34'],[-1,' {'],[2,' if (false);'],[-1,' }'],[-1,''],[2,' try{'],[2,' if (mynamespace);'],[-1,' } catch(ex) {'],[2,' mynamespace = function(){};'],[-1,' }'],[-1,''],[-1,'})();'],[-1,''],[2,'Class.prototype.test = function test() {'],[2,' this.qwe = \'asd\';'],[2,' var d = 111;'],[-1,''],[2,' this.qqq = \'bbb\';'],[-1,'}']] |